Top 3 Challenges Faced By SME/SMB In IT Adoption

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Top 3 challenges faced by SME/SMB in IT Adoption

Small and Medium businesses or Entreprises often find it difficult or challenging to implement IT solutions to their business problems. A recent study carried out in Singapore has identified top 3 such challenges during IT Adoption in any SME/SMB.

IT Budget:
Large organisations have the opportunity to buy the IT services that they are in need of because they have the financial conditions to cover the costs of the required IT services. SMEs on the other hand, operate on a limited budget and studies have shown that the cost of IT services is a big concern for SMEs. The lack of financial funds in SMEs to invest in internal expertise results in the need of external expertise.

IT Knowledge:
An in depth research shows that a SME-management’s knowledge about IT directly impacts the IT adoption success. At times it has been also observed that if the lack of IT knowledge is acknowledged well and if the SME-management is open for external resources to amplify their IT knowledge, then those SMEs have been successful in leveraging IT solutions to their benefits.

The decision makers in the organization should keep themselves in touch with the news related to IT applications in SMEs, which can enhance their knowledge about the capabilities of IT solutions.

IT Manpower:
Without the external expertise it is not possible for some SMEs to have efficient information systems that facilitate the work in the organisation. This may put SMEs
in a difficult position where they need an effective information system but don’t have the financial funds to invest in such technology.

These challenges can easily be overcome by striking a balance with an intelligent IT strategy. Approach your IT Consultants / Manager and discuss these challenges and possible solutions upfront before starting IT Adoption. In upcoming articles, we will also discuss various solutions to each of these challenges.